
The Case of the Unauthorized Release of Lost Souls

Unexpected Transformations. Book 1
Book #1 from the series: Unexpected Transformations

My contemporary fantasy trilogy begins with the first book, "The Case of the Unauthorized Release of Lost Souls," which follows the inspiring journey of a girl named Lybid, known as Halyna, in the World of Humans. Though she carries the weight of a noble past, Halyna embodies the essence of kindness and youthful curiosity. As she wanders through...

The Complicated Art of Simple Solutions (Unexpected Transformations Book 2)

The Complicated Art of Simple Solutions is the captivating second installment in the “Unexpected Transformations” trilogy. Set against the enchanting backdrop of mystical New Orleans, the narrative follows Halia’s quest to seek the most potent local sorceress to help her maintain her human form. While the story may seem straightforward, it...

Pharmaceutical Company Chornobryvtsi (Unexpected Transformations Book 3)

The third installment of the “Unexpected Transformations” trilogy titled “Pharmaceutical Company Chornobryvtsi,” brings the series to a thought-provoking conclusion. The trilogy includes “The Case of the Unauthorized Release of the Lost Souls” and “The Complicated Art of Simple Solutions.” The trilogy begins in Kyiv just before the Russian...