Pharmaceutical Company Chornobryvtsi (Unexpected Transformations Book 3)


The third installment of the “Unexpected Transformations” trilogy titled “Pharmaceutical Company Chornobryvtsi,” brings the series to a thought-provoking conclusion. The trilogy includes “The Case of the Unauthorized Release of the Lost Souls” and “The Complicated Art of Simple Solutions.” The trilogy begins in Kyiv just before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this narrative does not focus on military events. Instead, it seeks to illuminate the developments within Ukrainian society since 2014, particularly in the wake of the Revolution of Dignity.

A central theme of the trilogy is colonialism, exploring the impact of this phenomenon on the identity and roots of colonized peoples. It emphasizes that any effort to strip individuals of their self-determination, identity, and dignity will inevitably incite strong resistance.

Dedicated to all women who have suffered from violence and war crimes, the main character embodies the spirit of freedom and defiance against oppression.

The trilogy incorporates numerous cultural references, inviting readers to delve deeper into various topics and explore the richness of other cultures. Today’s technologies facilitate access to primary sources and translations, making engaging readers with diverse cultures and perspectives easier.

The trilogy’s contemporary reflections are woven with satire, critique, and elements of humor. It strives to highlight the visibility and diversity of the Ukrainian community in the United States, showcasing our unique narrative, which we are best suited to tell. Furthermore, it celebrates the richness of our gastronomic culture, which extends far beyond the well-known borshch and varenyky.

Halia, the legendary princess Lybid of Kyiv, undergoes her evolutionary journey from a fragmented historical mention, symbolizing uncertainty and confusion in times of significant challenges for the existence of the bearers of this legend, to a personality with a clear awareness of her roots and an understanding of the importance of her mission. Along this path, she faces many questions about understanding her own identity. She seeks to prevent the destruction of the Land of the Ancestors, to which the history of her legendary existence belongs.

The story is also an allusion to the migration processes brought about by war and the role of diasporas in assisting people from their countries of origin who choose a democratic path for the development of their nations, standing firm against the aggression of those who aim to thwart this process through physical military destruction. To show this, the second book is set primarily in the United States while the third installment occurs predominantly in Scotland.